Monday, September 22, 2014

Mortem Dolores (Sorrows of Death)

As I sit here in the dark
My tears fall in vain
Trying to wash away the pain
Still fresh and stinging.

Once again you have left me,
but this time never to return.
I don't care if it was an important life lesson to learn,
your departure was too unfair.

If my loved ones
are being torn from my side,
how can I but cry
at the injustice of this cruel joke of fate?

Over time the pain will numb
but not go away.
The irony- the only thing that stays
is the least welcome.

The word has a finality 
that frightens me.
All that has lived must die.

As for us, the living, 
we're left to find a way
to get through the remaining days
until we join our loved ones once more.

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