Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Happenings at Endicott Manor

       This is the 1st installment of a story I'm writing... more to come!

     I shivered in the cold December night air and huddled tighter under my thin jacket.  Strands of my long, caramel-colored hair escaped my ponytail and blew across my face as I walked down the sidewalk under the flickering street-lights. Somewhere, downtown probably, a clock began to chime. Once, twice, three times... I counted the bells: it was 11pm. I turned and headed home.

     As I neared the old mansion, I could see that the windows were dark. It appeared to be empty and abandoned, and it seemed sad, in a way. Lonely, even. I stealthily pushed open the ancient carved oak doors and slipped in, careful not to let them bang shut behind me. Any noise was heard coming from the "haunted" Endicott Manor would be sure to cause a commotion amongst the townspeople. Inside, it was surprisingly new and well-furnished. I ran up the spiral staircase and down the carpeted hall upstairs to the big double doors at the end, threw them open, and crash-landed on the comfy old fashioned four-poster bed within with a sigh of relief.

     One of the many doors leading out of my room opened, and a petite girl with long chestnut hair popped her head in.

     "Alex! you're back!" she stepped into my room. Her wide eyes were full of laughter and curiosity. I smiled.

     "Still up, Stella?"

     Before she could answer, the next door opened and a tall blonde girl came out rubbing her eyes.

     "Honestly! can't you let a girl get her beauty sleep!? Oh hey Alex. Back from another late night walk, huh?"

     " They help me think, Amber. You know I've had a lot on my mind..."

     " Oh my. Quite the troubled teen, aren't we?" The drawling, sarcastic voice came from the shadows beyond the 3rd door. I rolled my eyes.

     " Oh shut up, Kat!" I yelled as the owner of the sarcastic voice stepped out from behind the door. Amber stifled a girly giggle, and Stella's eyes danced with merriment. Kat smirked, and suddenly we were all laughing. It's generally that way, with my friends and me living alone in that "abandoned" house. We laugh at pretty much nothing, and yet at the same time, it seems like so much to the emptiness. I surveyed my friends: Stella, in her light blue pj's with the star pattern, with her straight bangs and sleek chestnut hair down to her waist. She was small for her age, standing probably no more than 5 feet. Her big green eyes were framed in long dark lashes, and they sparkled incessantly, always smiling, full of life and spirit.

     Then there was Amber. Tall, around 5'5" maybe, with the ends of her perfect blonde curls tumbling about her elbows. She wore a white lacy nightgown which looked surprisingly stylish draped on her model-like figure. Piercing dark blue eyes contrasted sharply with the fair skin and hair. Amber was the perfect princess stereotype, personality and all: girly, romantic, and all the rest.

     Katrina was, if anything, the complete opposite of Amber. Straight dark hair in a high ponytail and side bangs nearly covering one eye, dark eyes that had a hint of violet. Her face and features were sharp, and she always seemed to be either smirking or scowling. Despite the cold, all she was wearing was a black graphic tee with a gray swirl pattern and black shorts. Kat had a deep slightly raspy voice that went perfectly with her sarcastic attitude.

     Then there was... me. Alex. Caramel-colored waves loosely braided, with wispy side bangs always getting in the way. Brown eyes and still dressed in grey hoodie and black jeans. I can't exactly describe my own personality fairly, I guess, so I will leave that for you to determine.

     So there we were: 4 girls in an mansion that was evidently not as "haunted" or "abandoned" as it seemed. Why, you ask? Well, that is a long story...

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