Saturday, July 25, 2015


     I lay in bed, squinting at the narrow blade of early morning sunlight piercing through the gap in the dark blue curtains to slice through the darkness in my room. Leaning over to check the time on my phone, I let out a deep sigh. Six twenty-five am. Great. Another night slipped away behind a laptop screen and an overactive brain. I pulled a corner of the thin gray blanket up to shield my eyes and decided to try to catch a few hours anyways.
     Instantly, my mind is a multicolored ocean. A red wave of anger come first as I remember the argument someone had started with me last week. God, that person is so immature. Those assumptions, those expectations! The world isn't a perfect place, for christ's sake. One can't expect to grow up in a personal greenhouse, protected from all wind and rain. 
     Then a purple wave comes, making me smile as I remember the fluffiness of the fat and ridiculously apathetic cat lying outside the store I shopped at two days ago, and a yellow wave rolls by as I remember the joke my uncle had made- "Man, if only I was a fat fluffy cat. I could just lie here and sleep and ignore everything while every girl who walks by will stop and touch me."
     A bright orange wave makes me scowl in frustration as I am reminded of the comments some relatives had made over dinner last night. I then gag as a green wave brings back the smell of the fish they were having. 
     I sigh as a blue wave sends me the image of a serene pond surface. There's a light breeze blowing, and there are trees scattered around the bank. Some iridescent fish glint in the gentle sunlight. Hmm... not really sure of where that image is from.
     Indigo swishes by, making me sigh deeply again. My first dog's death, my first breakup, that day one of my closest friends left me... Suddenly interrupted by a gentle rosy wave. My first real kiss, the moment I found out he liked me back, and the day I realized how much I'd fallen for him. I sighed again.
     My phone buzzes. I turn and grab it eagerly, only to find it was another useless game notification. Damn it. Then I catch sight of the time- 7:58am. Crap...
     I can't sleep.